Enriching the Journey of Real Estate, Entrepreneurship & Money Management

Welcome to my world,

I'm Janna, a proud Tampa native blending a rich cultural heritage with a deep understanding of the local real estate and business landscape. With millions of dollars in sales, I've become a reputable and trustworthy brand in the Tampa Bay area.

For over 17 years, I've been the creative force behind thriving brands, storefronts, and online ventures. As a seasoned entrepreneur and real estate professional, I've coached new agents, guided individuals in their financial journeys, and invested in businesses.

Now, I'm excited to offer a unique blend of services. Beyond real estate, I help clients build their brands, provide business coaching, and offer strategies for financial freedom.

Janna Cantero's Expertise:

Extensive experience, commitment to excellence, and a personalized approach to ensure clients receive the support they need.


For sellers, I bring a wealth of experience in real estate transactions. Whether you're looking to sell your property swiftly or seeking guidance on maximizing its value, I ensure a seamless process. From strategic marketing, staging, to negotiation, I’m dedicated to achieving optimal profits for sellers.



Navigating the real estate market as a buyer can be complex. I’m committed to providing high level buyer services. Whether it's your first home, dream property, or investment, I offer the latest market insights and advice. Ensuring your home-buying journey is exciting, informed, and ultimately successful.


Financial Coaching

Extending my services beyond real estate, offering financial coaching. If you need guidance on money management or debt relief, I provide personalized strategies. Benefit from my expertise in debt elimination, budget planning, and wealth-building to unlock financial freedom.


Business Consulting

Entrepreneurs and business owners can turn to me for valuable insights and guidance. With 17 years of entrepreneurial experience, I offer business consulting services tailored to both aspiring and established entrepreneurs. From brand building to practical advice for growth, my goal is to empower struggling business owners and realtors.


What Sets Me Apart

  • 17 Years of Experience

With a rich tapestry of 17 years in the field, my journey is not just marked by the passage of time but by a wealth of experiences, challenges conquered, and lessons learned. This extensive tenure in entrepreneurship and real estate positions me as a seasoned guide, ready to navigate complexities, anticipate needs, and deliver results that stand the test of time.

  • Knowledge Backed by Results

In a world filled with information, what truly matters is the application of knowledge to achieve tangible outcomes. My expertise is not theoretical; it's a testament to a track record of success. Backed by results, my knowledge isn't just academic – it's a practical tool honed through years of hands-on experience, ensuring that every client interaction is infused with strategic insights and proven methodologies.

Join me on a journey where experience is a guide, and results are the destination. Together, let's redefine success with a touch of decades of experience, and a commitment to turning my knowledge into life changing results.

Affiliations and Certifications

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Vamos Tampa Bay
News Channel 8

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American Dream
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